Magazine / Off the Beaten Path

  • They Make Every Day “GRAND”!

    Pam Pollock
    October 2024
    Sunday, September 8th was “Grandparents Day”, an informal holiday that is always the Sunday after Labor Day.  And it’s a sweet sentiment and one that my Mom always enjoyed celebrating with her grandkids and great-grandkids. Steve and I have hi...
  • Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Yeah…

    Pam Pollock
    September 2024
    Buckle up, readers because we’re all in for a bit of a rocky ride… My friend Gina and I (we’ve been friends for almost 45 years) recently went to a Sunset Wildflower event.  She drove to my house and then I insisted on driving the 9 miles to o...
  • Some Of  The Best  Days  Of  My Life…

    Pam Pollock
    August 2024
    Sometimes you just have to sneak out of the office and grab your gal pals and head out for a quick road trip adventure - that’s exactly what I did earlier this week with my two oldest granddaughters.  My middle granddaughter is obsessed with Red P...
  • Ten Things I Dislike About You…(Aka Pam’s Airing Of  The Grievances…)

    Pam Pollock
    July 2024
    Disclaimer:  The “You” in the above title is just a vague “You”, it’s really not about “You” unless of course “You” do the things I dislike… So, yeah – it’s been a couple of weeks of bad traveling and life experiences and to ...
  • And I Said To Myself…

    Pam Pollock
    June 2024
    Louis Armstrong nailed it when he sang that it was a wonderful world!  Spring has sprung in the most amazing fashion these past few weeks and soon the glory of Summer will be upon us.  The trees are bursting with green leaves that dangle and dance ...
  • Turn Around Bright Eyes…

    Pam Pollock
    May 2024
    In case you’ve been hiding in an underground tunnel and had no contact with the real world and just now reemerged to catch up on what’s been going on in the world, we had a solar eclipse on April 8th. We live in Western Pennsylvania and our house...
  • Gonna Take A Sentimental Journey…

    Pam Pollock
    April 2024
    I will ‘fess up right off the bat that I am a packrat, a hoarder and junk collector.  I am also the sentimental keeper of family photos, trinkets, cards, and well… just about everything.  We’re in the process of shuffling and moving around it...
  • Talk “Birdy” To Me…

    Pam Pollock
    March 2024
    As I write this column, yesterday was Valentine’s Day.  Some girls swoon over expensive jewelry, exotic vacations, designer clothes and handbags, and dining at swanky restaurants.  And me?  Well… the key to my heart is to talk “birdy” to m...
  • Tell Me Why… (No, Seriously, Tell Me Why!)

    Pam Pollock
    February 2024
    It’s mid-January and while we have not had the horrible snowstorms that have hit the West and Midwest, we’re currently experiencing our first significant snow of the season.  Coupled with windchills that have hit -9, people have been pretty cran...
  • On Swan Lake…

    Pam Pollock
    January 2024
    Sometimes a girl, or in my case, a little old Grandma keeps secrets from her parents – and well, pretty much the rest of the world. And for some unknown compelling reason, I feel the need this morning to spill my guts and share this tale with all o...
  • I’m Just Gonna Shake It Off…

    Pam Pollock
    December 2023
    Confession time – I’m kinda a “Swiftie”…. Not a full-fledged Swiftie, I don’t own ALL of Taylor Swift’s albums (but I do have a lot of them!), and I don’t know all of the lyrics to every song (but I can belt out a mean “Shake It Off...
  • Adventure Begins In -  Wait For It, Wait For It…

    Pam Pollock
    November 2023
    This Spring, Summer and Fall have been busy ones for the Movin’ Out staff.  We’ve attended so many great truck shows, stretching across the USA.  Some of the events required traveling by airplane and those trips were not without challenges and ...
  • My Irish Eyes Were Smiling…

    Pam Pollock
    October 2023
    This Irish lass had the opportunity to celebrate the Magic of Ireland at the Pittsburgh Irish Festival, which was held on September 8th-10th at the national historic landmark, Carrie Blast Furnaces in Swissvale, Pennsylvania.  Because of work, dang ...
  • You Drive Me Crazy…

    Pam Pollock
    September 2023
    When I discussed the topic of this month’s column with my boss, aka my spouse, he told me to expect some backlash from some of my readers. I’m not a gamblin’ person by nature, but what the heck, I’m gonna roll the dice and take my chances. I�...
  • I Oughta Be In Pictures…

    Pam Pollock
    August 2023
    There was a song composed in 1934 and recorded by Rudy Vallee by the above title.  Lately I’ve been proclaiming very loudly to my friends and family that I really, really ‘OUGHTA BE IN THE PICTURE!”  I am always the person toting the big, exp...
  • Ramblin’ On…

    Pam Pollock
    July 2023
    The past two months have been busy for me, I’ve been traveling around to media events in Texas, South Dakota and the central part of Pennsylvania.  I’m not a savvy traveler – and if I am driving, I tend to get lost very easily and very frequen...
  • Look At Me Now!

    Pam Pollock
    June 2023
    Oh hey there – it’s me, still playing Laura Ingalls Wilder over here on the Homestead when I am not playing Editor and Photographer and about 4 other roles at Movin’ Out… I’ve  been on a roll lately puttering around the Homestead.  It all...
  • The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming! No, Wait… Never Mind

    Pam Pollock
    May 2023
    My ancestry on both sides of my family is primarily Irish and I have the temper to back up that claim.  Pollock, my married name,  is not Polish, despite most people thinking it is and pronounce my surname, “Pole-lock”.  (The correct pronuncia...
  • The Book of Glad

    Pam Pollock
    March 2023
    In the 40 years of knowing my mother-in-law (who died last August), it is  only after she died that I have discovered that we actually shared many of the same traits and tastes. (I am going to write in the present tense, it’s just easier.) We are ...
  • Ricky Don’t Lose My Number…

    Pam Pollock
    March 2023
    This month’s column is dedicated to everyone who is tech savvy.  Sadly, my spouse and I are not in that elite group.  I’m not talking just about cellphones, either.  We struggle on a daily (if not hourly) basis with just about every electronic...