​Choose the Right Way To Witness

Robert Harris
July 2018

The old Preacher preached on soul winning on the first night of the revival. He placed great emphasis on the responsibility one person has to another towards encouraging him to become a Christian and to live right.

The audience included a barber who was a timid type of man and who had never spoken to anyone about spiritual matters. At the time of the invitation, the barber committed himself to speak to at least one person the next day about getting right with God. He thought about it all night.

Early the next morning the barber went to his shop. His first customer came in for a shave. The barber seated him in the chair, reclined the chair, put his barber cloth across the man’s chest, picked up his razor and began sharpening it on the strap. Standing over the customer and looking the man in the face, the barber said, “Brother, prepare to meet thy God.”

You probably know what happened next! The frightened customer jumped up, threw off the barber’s cloth and dashed out the door. The barber had lost a customer, frightened a man and also failed in his witness.

There is a right way to witness and there’s a wrong way. The Bible is implicit upon the subject. “As we therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Look for the proper time and remember that a word spoken in season will always bring results.