John Brown Trucking Honors Drivers

Steve Pollock
June 2024

PORTERSVILLE, PA…. The safe drivers of John Brown Trucking were honored at a breakfast banquet this past April 27th at John Brown’s Country Kitchen Restaurant in Portersville, Pennsylvania.

Terminal Manager Harry Freelin addressed the assembled drivers, telling them they were doing a good job sending photos of their paperwork.  Drivers were reminded to fill out logs completely and to stay in touch with dispatch before each load in case of last minute changes.

Shocking dash cam video incidents from company trucks were shown.  The videos often help mitigate or eliminate litigation, and many times exonerate the company and driver from responsibility. National statistics showed that John Brown Trucking drivers were well below the national average of crashes per miles driven. 

John Brown Trucking is a subsidiary of American Bulk Commodities, a family first company that wants everyone to go home safely at the end of the day.

Harry Freelin concluded the banquet by remarking to the drivers, “Don’t ever look back and say, ‘what if.’ You guys are doing a great job!”

The following John Brown Trucking Professional Truck drivers were recognized for consecutive years of safe driving:

Mark Allen Jeffrey
Kaleb Lee Jolliffe
Ronald William Weinzierl
Thomas Stuart Mackay Jr
Dale C Stevenson
Ronald Paul Yockey
Richard Schaefer
Franklin R Carnahan
Mark Pacai