From The Chaplain’s Desk

Ron Fraser, Transport for Christ President
May 2023

You are on the road, and it has been a while since you have been home. Thoughts enter your mind, and you begin to get concerned about your family, a financial situation or even a work-related issue. You think so long about whatever situation is plaguing your mind that you become anxious. How do you deal with the anxieties of life? In Matthew 6:34, Jesus tells His followers, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has troubles of its own.”

Worry really is a sin, because Jesus told us that we have to cast all our anxiety upon Him. He cares for us! Why do we worry?

What are you worried about? Stop for just a moment and answer that question. Is your worry going to help that situation? I don’t even know what your worry is, but I can answer the last question- No.

Your only hope, your only refuge, is to look to Jesus Christ. Let Him meet that need. Cast all your anxiety upon Him. If you have to do it 10 times, 20 times, 100 times in one day, keep giving it to him. He promised that He would work for your good in everything.

People are looking for light and truth and guidance in all kinds of places and are asking all kinds of questions. What shall I do? Where shall I go?

Know this. If you are not looking to the Living Word of God, then you are following a blind guide, and you are a blind follower. You must look to Jesus Christ. He is your hope. He is your answer. He is your shield. He is your help. He loves you with an everlasting love.

You can contact Ron Fraser, Transport for Christ President at 717-426-9977.