ATA Invites Trucking Industry Members and Allies to Premier Legal Event

July 2023

Washington, DC… The ATA Litigation Center announced that time is running out to secure a seat at the 2023 Trucking Legal Forum, which will be held from July 16-19 in La Jolla, California. 

The trucking industry’s premier legal event provides unparalleled networking and educational opportunities for transportation legal counsel and trucking executives as well as safety, risk management, and human resources professionals.  

“Our ATA Federation continues to rack up victories across the country in our campaign for lawsuit abuse reform. We have secured major triumphs for tort reform and basic judicial fairness in Florida, Montana, Texas, Louisiana, Iowa, and West Virginia. And we’re just getting started,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “In order to sustain our momentum against such a formidable foe as the plaintiff's bar, we will need to remain unified and dedicated. This is a critical time to gather, strategize, and speak clearly with one voice. Members of the trucking industry are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to meet with their peers and learn from some of the industry’s top legal minds.”

The Forum will feature an impressive group of legal, technical, and business experts, who will share their perspectives on a wide array of pertinent legal topics. Interactive panels will provide invaluable information and insights regarding the issues that directly affect trucking companies, drivers, and other stakeholders.

By bringing together legal professionals and industry leaders, this event will help participants equip themselves with the latest information about the legal threats facing our industry as well as effective tactics to defend against them. Among other topics, this year’s Forum will focus on:

* Nuclear verdicts

* Truck parking 

* Employee leave laws

* Mergers & acquisitions

* Independent contractors

* Cross-border & intermodal operations

* Rise of freight broker liability claims

The Forum also provides continuing legal education credits for attorneys.