Magazine / Something to Think About
Something to Think About - A More Level Playing Field
When computers started making their way into schools, the vast majority were in junior and senior high schools. Often these computers were donated. As teachers began working them into the curriculum, they were generally in labs rather than in class... -
Thoughtful & Compassionate Optimism
She was raised on a ranch in the territories, during the 1870s and 80s. At that time and in that place, there was lots of boundary pushing and limit testing, and she could hold her own with the best of them. There was also lots of riding, herding, ro... -
A Magic Ingredient
When you walk Perry Street, it’s clear that it’s not all that different than most of the other streets in the business district of this seaside town. The streets are somewhat narrow, having been laid out in the horse-and-buggy era of the 18th a... -
Rejoice That You Had It
Wednesday, July 20, 1904 may have been a typical day in Dayton, Ohio, but for a family living on Hawthorn Street, it wasn’t. That day they welcomed a baby to the family. Neighbors came to call. They brought food items for the family, and one coup... -
Both Can Be Right
Like most towns in 1933, they were in the grips of the Great Depression. Although well-intended, Roosevelt’s New Deal was no quick fix. This recovery was going to take time, effort, and patience. Neighbors were going to have to help neighbors, ... -
It started out as a small gas station along the Lincoln Highway located between two large towns. Over the century they’ve been open for business, Abe’s Garage has grown and changed with the times. The original owners, the Nicolay family, called i... -
Fair Isn’t Always Right
Over the years, people learned to expect periodic flooding. Usually, it caused little damage, and within a day or two everything was back to normal. Even when there was a little more water, the damage wasn’t serious. The last flood was a bit unus...