There Are Two Roads To Travel

Robert Harris
January 2021

Jesus talks about two roads in the Bible.  He speaks of the straight and narrow and the broadway that lead unto destruction.

One has many travelers, the other has but few.  The destinations are what count most. The path of righteousness is always an incline.  The way to destruction is a decline.  The Bible says, “The way of destruction leadeth.”

A man starts out with one little something that is wrong and the first thing he knows he has added something else and after a while his sense of conviction is gone.  Nothing looks wrong and everything looks right.  He becomes deceived and destruction becomes his portion.

The way that leads to life everlasting is also a leading way. We accept the instructions of the scripture and trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  We grow in the grace and knowledge of Him and become servants of God as we help one another.  This leads us to life everlasting.  A man was once asked what the most beautiful road in his country was.  We answered, “The road from where I live down to the main town.”  This surprised the questioner and he asked the second question, “Which is the second most beautiful road?”  The man replied, “The road from town back home.”  That’s the way Jesus is, “He is the way, the truth and the life.”