Latest Industry News Briefs Courtesy of PMTA

Truckers tell Buttigieg: Prioritize truck parking
Washington DC… The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association sent this letter to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg imploring the Biden Administration to include dedicated funding for truck parking in the American Jobs Plan infrastructure package. OOIDA has long advocated addressing a severe, national shortage of safe parking for long-haul truck drivers and says it’s time to do more than studies and reports. It’s time to add capacity!
“Finding a safe place to park is a daily challenge that makes it difficult for truckers to get needed rest and comply with federal hours-of-service regulations,” said Todd Spencer, president of OOIDA. “We’ve been sounding the alarm on this issue for decades, pointing out the obvious connection to overall highway safety.”
The Association has worked for years to gain bipartisan support in Congress on the issue, but sees the infrastructure bill as a unique opportunity to make sure the needs of truck drivers, who have worked tirelessly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, are met. OOIDA has encouraged the Administration to include the bipartisan and industry-supported Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act, H.R. 2187, in the American Jobs Plan proposal.
“Our nation’s truckers are struggling to keep America moving,” said Spencer. “An investment like this is the ultimate opportunity to make a positive difference for them, the industry and the efficiency of the supply chain.”
Industry Coalition Tells Blue Dogs, Problem Solvers, To Reject Unnecessary Insurance Increases
Policy That Is More Than 99 Percent Effective Needs No “Improvement”
Washington DC… The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, along with a coalition of more than 60 organizations, representing the trucking, agriculture, construction, manufacturing, materials and towing industries, sent letters to members of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Blue Dog Coalition and Problem Solvers Caucus. The coalition implored them to reject any unnecessary, harmful and contentious proposal to increase motor carriers’ minimum liability insurance requirements.
The letters are in response to efforts by trial lawyers and their supporters in Congress to increase insurance requirements for businesses engaged in the interstate transportation of property via truck from $1.25 million to as much as $4 million.
The coalition explains, “An increase in insurance requirements is wholly unnecessary, would do nothing to improve highway safety and would have a severe negative impact on our members by significantly increasing their operational costs.”
Federal research indicates the current minimum insurance requirement of $750,000 covers damages in 99.4 percent of crashes involving commercial motor vehicles. When considering the industry norm of carrying $1 million in coverage, the percentage of crashes covered increases to 99.97 percent.
The coalition contends these figures illustrate today’s requirements are not only adequate, but extremely effective.
“It is difficult to think of any other policy that addresses over 99 percent of cases and would be considered a failure in need of fixing,” the letters explain.
The coalition is encouraging lawmakers to ensure no increase is included in the next highway bill or any infrastructure package, and hopes opposition from members of the Blue Dog Coalition and Problem Solvers Caucus will help prevent any provision that would destroy blue-collar jobs and threaten countless small businesses.
“Rejecting calls for increases in insurance coverage will help protect American jobs and businesses, including countless small businesses, from an unnecessary and excessive policy designed to further line the pockets of trial lawyers at the expense of truckers, farmers, construction firms, manufacturers and more,” the letter concludes.
Blue Dog Coalition: The Blue Dog Coalition is an official caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives comprised of 19 fiscally-responsible Democrats, who are leading the way to find commonsense solutions. They are pragmatic Democrats, appealing to the mainstream values of the American public.
Problem Solvers Caucus: Beginning in 2017, the Problem Solvers Caucus became an independent member-driven group in Congress, comprised of representatives from across the country – equally divided between Democrats and Republicans – committed to finding common ground on many of the key issues facing the nation. Co-Chaired by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), the Caucus’ aim is to create a durable bloc that champions ideas that appeal to a broad spectrum of the American people. It is a group united in the idea that there are commonsense solutions to many of the country's toughest challenges.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is the largest national trade association representing the interests of small-business trucking professionals and professional truck drivers. The Association currently has more than 150,000 members nationwide. OOIDA was established in 1973 and is headquartered in the greater Kansas City, Mo. area.
OOIDA Disappointed In Withdrawal Of Independent Contractor Rule
Washington DC… The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association expressed disappointment that the Department of Labor (DOL) will withdraw a rule that would have provided owner-operators additional certainty about their worker classification status.
The “Independent Contractor Rule” previously issued on January 7, 2021, would have clarified existing standards for worker classification under the Fair Labor Standards Act. This rule would have worked within existing criteria, instead of making radical changes to employee and independent contractor classification.
Under the new rule, OOIDA believes that owner-operators could have generally continued working under their existing arrangements with carriers without fear of being reclassified as an employee.
“The Department’s final rule, for the most part, would have helped provide new certainty and clarity to owner-operators. While there were certainly some provisions that needed to be fixed, this could have been done without the wholesale withdrawal of the rule,” said Lewie Pugh, executive vice president.
Because the rule never took effect, OOIDA says nothing should change for truckers as a result of this action. The Association will be watching DOL and Congress closely as there is continued interest in the laws and regulations affecting worker classification.
“As we’ve seen with the disastrous roll out of the ABC Test in California, the implementation of one-size-fits-all rules for worker classification just won’t work in the trucking industry,” Pugh added. “The Independent Contractor Rule issued by the Trump administration would have provided some protection against this from happening on a national scale, and we’re disappointed that the rule is being withdrawn.”
OOIDA previously submitted comments to DOL on April 12, urging them to address specific problems in the final rule without fully repealing it.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is the largest national trade association representing the interests of small-business trucking professionals and professional truck drivers. The Association currently has more than 150,000 members nationwide. OOIDA was established in 1973 and is headquartered in the greater Kansas City, Mo. area.
National Traffic Study Shows Driving and Accidents Plummeted In 2020
San Francisco, CA … Go Safe Labs released its inaugural quarterly traffic safety report revealing that driving miles and frequency dropped in 2020 after shelter in place orders were enacted nationwide. The non-profit transportation safety group’s report also found that small drops in travel have generated large decreases in total accident occurrences (~15-55%), a trend that may continue as a larger percentage of the workforce continues to work from home than in the pre-pandemic economy.
Three states – Vermont, Utah and Ohio – diverged from the national trend, with accidents outpacing the drop in vehicle miles traveled (VMT). In Vermont, accidents were up 5.8% year over year in December as VMT declined by 19.1%. In Utah, accidents rose 1.7% as VMT dropped by 7.2%. And in Ohio, accidents decreased by 11.5% while VMT decreased by 13.4%.
“We released this report to enhance transparency and standardize data about America’s transportation infrastructure,” said Kevin Pomplun, Chairman of Go Safe Labs. “We hope this analysis gives policymakers additional insight into how driving behavior has changed during the pandemic and encourage regulators at the local, state, and federal level to prioritize public safety.”
Safe Labs’ research found that decreased driving correlated with decreased accidents leading to overall improvements in driving safety.
Major findings from Go Safe Labs’ report include:
*2020 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) dropped 400B miles to 2.8T, lowest since 2002
*Americans drove an average of 348M less trips a day, year-over-year
*Stay at home surged to 25% of the population
*Monthly VMT plummeted in April, VMT remains ~10-15% lower through winter
*Plummeting accident volumes remain depressed below VMT recovery
*Traffic pattern changes have generated vast drops in property-damage and minor injury accident levels.
Hub Group Begins Electric Truck Fleet Pilot
OAK BROOK, IL… Hub Group began its electric truck fleet pilot with Daimler Trucks North America as part of Freightliner’s Customer Experience (CX) Fleet. This will be part of a six-month test in Southern California across a variety of freight environments and conditions in both dedicated and drayage freight operations.
“This test is an exciting next step in our innovation and sustainability journey,” said Phil Yeager, Hub Group President and Chief Operating Officer. “It is part of Hub Group’s long-term strategy to bring to market innovation that has a meaningful impact on our customers’ businesses and reduce the supply chain’s impact on the environment.”
The Freightliner eCascadia pilot will operate seven days per week over the six-month test. Hub Group engineers will analyze performance across multiple data points including range, payload, traffic conditions, charging scenarios, maintenance, and safety.
“It’s critical that we collaborate with customers across multiple segments to further our understanding of how commercial battery-electric trucks will be part of a long-term solution in CO?-neutral transportation,” said Richard Howard, senior vice president, on-highway sales and marketing, Daimler Trucks North America. “Our customers provide important, continuous feedback that contributes to our ongoing design and purposeful innovation of these trucks, and together we will lead the future.”
Over its 50 years, Hub Group has a long-standing commitment to innovation and sustainability. The company was the first transportation provider to fully equip its fleet of 44,000 intermodal containers with GPS tracking and telematics devices, delivering advanced visibility and security into their customer’s supply chains. Striving to reduce its impact on the environment, Hub Group transports its customers’ goods in the most efficient way possible. In 2020, the company saved an estimated 3.2 billion pounds of carbon dioxide emissions.
Hub Group’s sustainability practices have earned industry recognition, including multiple EPA SmartWay Excellence awards. Its commitment to minimizing its carbon footprint extends to its corporate headquarters, which is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certified.
The Freightliner CX Fleet is supported and partially funded by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD), which focuses on improving air quality in the South Coast Basin of Southern California.
CTA: Stop Singling Out Truck Drivers As COVID Source
Industry Stands Ready To Increase Vaccination Rate Of Essential Truck Drivers
TORONTO, CANADA… As positive COVID-19 cases surge across Canada, there is an increased emphasis on solutions to stopping the virus and, naturally, renewed focus on some industries which are accused of disproportionally propelling its spread to other sectors of the economy. The Canadian Trucking Alliance is stating, unequivocally, that trucking – and truck drivers in particular – is not one of them.
Canadians have come to depend on professional truck drivers and the women and men in the industry who support them to get us through this pandemic. Our hard-working driving force has kept critical goods like food and health products moving and stocked on store shelves. To protect these essential workers, trucking companies and drivers continue to implement a host of safety measures and social distancing protocols, based on the best medical advice and industry practices, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Unfortunately, as many search for answers and solutions to fight this crisis, some people have wrongly identified the very people who have kept this country moving as a source for the growing COVID-19 problem. These mischaracterizations being made of truck drivers, including those who must travel across the border and between provinces to deliver the essential freight Canadians and businesses require, are unfair and, flatly, unsupported by the evidence and available data.
The truck driving occupation is extremely isolationist, especially compared to a discretionary traveller who will be staying at hotels, visiting busy restaurants or other social settings where the risk of COVID spread is exponentially higher. A long-haul truck driver may only come into physical contact with one or two people over three or four days, while principally eating and sleeping in their own vehicle. And with extensive COVID protocols in place throughout the supply chain, most potential contact with other people is most likely occurring between plexiglass and/or from a responsible social distance.
The existing data on truck drivers and COVID-19 shows the risk for positive virus rates among this essential worker community remains extremely low. In fact, two pilots involving voluntary COVID-19 testing of truck drivers in Alberta and Ontario revealed that zero drivers tested positive. It is very difficult for any sector to achieve better results. This is just one example of the industry’s commitment to preventing the spread of COVID-19, and how seriously we take our critical role as an essential service throughout the pandemic.
To reaffirm this pilot data, CTA conducted a survey of its Board members who are engaged in cross-border transportation. Thirty-five carriers from all regions in Canada, representing a combined 12,000 cross-border drivers, reported that only 60 drivers contracted COVID-19 (0.005 per cent) since March 2020 – the majority of which contracted the virus through community spread and not related to their occupation.
But despite all their good work and all the evidence which shows truck drivers to be among the safest professions in Canada, drivers throughout the pandemic have been rewarded by constantly being singled out and stigmatized as spreaders of the virus, which has led to denied access to retail-restaurant facilities and washrooms. Worse, some drivers and their families have been turned away from receiving standard medical treatment and access to vaccines, despite meeting all other qualifications.
Beyond the negative social and personal impact on drivers, discussion of mandatory COVID-19 testing of cross-border drivers will pose significant logistical and operational challenges for the trucking industry and the supply chain. Drivers, who are governed by hours-of-service regulations, will undoubtably face delays and congestion associated with testing at the border (the vast majority of truck plazas at land border crossings have extremely limited parking spaces), which will lead to wide-spread delivery disruptions throughout the supply chain and economy.
The Government of Canada and provincial governments have been incredibly supportive of our sector throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Let’s maintain this support by not stigmatizing drivers with mandatory COVID-tests and public statements identifying truck drivers as a main source of COVID-spread, which is absolutely not the case.
CTA and its members continue to stand ready to increase the vaccination rate in our sector as quickly as possible.
CTA Applauds Government of Canada TFW Policy Change as Great First Step
TORONTO, CANADA… The Canadian Trucking Alliance is welcoming a policy change to the Temporary Foreign Workers Program by the Government of Canada which will assist fleets that are currently using the program.
Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, recently announced there is now an innovative pathway to permanent residence for essential workers, including truck drivers, who are currently temporary foreign workers already in Canada.
The CTA says the path to citizenship for current essential workers is an excellent first step to bolstering the driver pool in the Canadian trucking industry – and hopes to one day see the policy expanded to include future truck drivers coming through the program, further supporting fleets across Canada that are in dire need of drivers – now, more critically than ever, as the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the driver shortage even further.
“These new policies will help those with a temporary status to plan their future in Canada, play a key role in our economic recovery and help us build back better. Our message to them is simple: your status may be temporary, but your contributions are lasting—and we want you to stay,” said Minister Mendicino.
The trucking industry – and by extension, the domestic and international supply chains as well – grappling with a significant driver shortage, which could hamper the efficiency of the transportation of goods across Canada. This labour challenge has been mounting for several years and has become more acute during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Trucking HRCanada, there are 20,000 vacant truck driver positions while 61 percent of fleets say they can’t find enough drivers. Things are expected to only worsen as the economy – and transportation needs – heat up after COVID-related lockdowns are lifted long term.
Although driver pay has been steadily increasing and innovative HR and training opportunities continue to be explored industry-wide, a key part of the solution for the trucking sector and other sectors of the economy will involve immigration. The Conference Board of Canada shows that 80 percent of demographic growth in Canada will be through immigration by 2030 as well as over 100 percent of labour force growth over the next five years.
“The trucking industry is exploring ways to attract current and future Canadians to our sector, but it’s clear we need more support,” said CTA president Stephen Laskowski. “Trucks across Canada are parked, not because there is not product to move, but because trucking companies cannot find drivers to operate their vehicles. This hurts our industry and our economy.
“We will be working with the Government of Canada to make this policy change a permanent part of the TFW program, which would make the TFW program considerably more attractive to the industry as a way to address the driver shortage in Canada.”
CTA has proposed a certified employer program in which new arrivals to Canada are ensured employment at compliant companies that respect all safety and employment standards.
“We want to ensure these new entrants seeking employment in our country are not taken advantage of and enjoy the rights and privileges of all Canadian citizens so they and their families can flourish in our economy and society.”
CTA members who are already participating in the TFW program and want to learn more about how they can transition their current TFW drivers to permanent residency click here.
Commercial Drivers To Continue Filing Copy Of Medical Exam Certificates With DMV For Four More Years
Commercial driver license (CDL) holders will continue to receive paper Medical Examiner’s Certificates and file them with DMV for four more years before the nation transitions to electronic filing.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has proposed extending the June 22, 2021, deadline for compliance with the National Registry II final rule to June 23, 2025. This will give the FMCSA and state driver license agencies more time to finish the computer system changes needed for the new MEC registry procedures.
This proposal means that through June 22, 2025:
* Certified Medical Examiners would continue issuing paper MECs to qualified commercial learner permit (CLP) and CDL holders and applicants.
* CLP and CDL applicants and holders would continue to provide their state driver license agency a copy of their paper MEC.
* Motor carriers would continue verifying that drivers were certified by a medical examiner listed on the National Registry.
* State driver license agencies would continue processing copies of paper MECs.
More information in the Federal Register: FMCSA Extension-of-compliance-dates-for-medical-examiners-certification-integration
As a reminder
The federal and state grace period for commercial drivers to file a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC) with DMV will end this spring, but no sooner than June 1.
The MEC grace period has been in place since March 2020 as one of several motor carrier safety regulation waivers to help the trucking industry continue to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current federal waiver will expire May 31, 2021, and though the FMCSA has not announced a decision, it has indicated it will not extend the grace period for filing MECs.
The Oregon waiver also will end this spring under a proposed administrative rule change that the Oregon Transportation Commission is scheduled to review at its May meeting. The targeted effective date of the state rule change is June 1.
If you do not have a current MEC on file with DMV, please schedule your medical examination as soon as possible and file it with DMV. You can file it online at under Notify the DMV.
More information on the MEC requirement in Oregon and how to submit it to DMV:
Bestpass Processes $1.2 Billion in Toll
ALBANY, NY… Bestpass®, the comprehensive payment platform provider that is the leader in toll management solutions for commercial fleets, achieved several significant milestones in 2020, including processing more than $1.2 billion in toll volume, exceeding $1 billion for the second consecutive year and posting 20 percent growth over 2019.
The company also surpassed 10,000 customers with 650,000 active transponders deployed on U.S. toll roads, released Cost Centers within its customer web portal to facilitate better fleet data management, and launched new national and regional toll transponder options.
“2020 was a challenging year in many ways that no one anticipated, and our core customers responded to keep the economy and country running with remarkable flexibility in their logistics solutions. Bestpass is proud to support their efforts, and I am personally proud of the Bestpass team that provided superior service and value to our customers throughout these difficult times,” said Bestpass CEO Tom Fogarty. “We will build on this momentum with more growth in 2021 thanks to the significant product advances released by the Bestpass innovations team.”
Bestpass 2020 Highlights
* Processed more than $1.2 billion in toll volume, an increase of 20 percent over 2019
* New milestone reached with 100 million transactions completed on behalf of our clients
* Surpassed 650,000 active transponders operating within the company’s nationwide toll network
* Now supporting over 10,000 customers after achieving greater than 40 percent growth in new accounts
* Double digit annual revenue growth achieved for each of the last 10 years
* Released Bestpass Cost Centers™ within the company’s customer web portal to facilitate better fleet data management
* Developed Complete Pass Scout, which provides nationwide toll coverage, and Horizon Scout, which optimizes toll coverage for regional fleets
* Surpassed 100 employees, increasing the team by nearly 20 percent in the second half of 2020
* Sponsored or participated in 10 activities to support our communities, including Capital Roots, the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York, Joseph’s House and Shelter, the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital, American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure and Capital District Toys for Tots
Bestpass is the comprehensive payment platform provider and leader in toll management solutions for commercial fleets of all shapes and sizes. With more than 10,000 customers and 650,000 deployed toll transponders in the United States and Canada, Bestpass ensures data accuracy, consolidates payments, delivers invaluable industry expertise, and saves its users time and money. Founded in 2001 by truckers for truckers, Bestpass is now a trusted partner on the road and in the back office for customers, tolling authorities, and related organizations. To learn more, visit
Bestpass Acquires Maryland Motor Truck Association Toll Management Program
ALBANY, NY… Bestpass, the comprehensive payment platform provider that is the leader in toll management solutions for commercial fleets, recently acquired the Maryland Motor Truck Association (MMTA) toll management program, adding more than 400 commercial fleets to its customer base.
Since MMTA launched its commercial toll program in 2002, Bestpass has provided back office and toll processing support, including tracking toll usage and accounts receivable service and support. The former MMTA toll program customers now have full access to the Bestpass toll management system, from the customer web portal and online analytics to new transponder options and expanded toll coverage.
“Maryland Motor Truck has been an invaluable partner for nearly two decades, and we’re enthusiastic to continue to serve their members and help them save even more time and money on their toll,” said Bestpass CEO Tom Fogarty. “We also welcome these new commercial fleet customers and look forward to providing them with our first-in-class service and support.”
“Offering toll management to our members has long been a point of pride for MMTA, and Bestpass has provided us with many of the tools necessary to deliver a robust and valuable program,” said MMTA President and CEO Louis Campion. “By fully moving the program to Bestpass, we can ensure continuity of operations and that our members will see even more value through expanded options.”
Bestpass is the comprehensive payment platform provider and leader in toll management solutions for commercial fleets of all shapes and sizes. With more than 13,000 customers and more than 675,000 deployed toll transponders in the United States and Canada, Bestpass ensures data accuracy, consolidates payments, delivers invaluable industry expertise, and saves its users time and money. Founded in 2001 by truckers for truckers, Bestpass is now a trusted partner on the road and in the back office for customers, tolling authorities, and related organizations. To learn more, visit
ATA Truck Tonnage Index Decreased 5.1% in March
Arlington, VA… American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index decreased 5.1% in March after falling 2.3% in February. In March, the index equaled 106.8 (2015=100) compared with 112.5 in February.
“March’s drop comes as somewhat of a surprise,” said ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello. “I certainly heard from many fleets that the end-of-quarter rush was good, but early March was soft. Truck freight volumes were also negatively impacted by supply chain issues from the lack of microchips and other inputs. That said, this surprise to the downside does not change my positive outlook going forward.
“Household spending power is strong and I believe there is plenty of pent-up demand for consumer spending,” he said. “Single-family home construction and stronger manufacturing output, even with the supply chain issues, will help support tonnage through this year and beyond.”
February’s gain was revised up to -2.3% from our March 23 press release.
Compared with March 2020, the SA index fell 9.5%, which was preceded by a 3.8% year-over-year decline in February.
During the first quarter, seasonally adjusted tonnage fell 0.4% from the final quarter of 2020 and declined 5% from a year earlier.
The not seasonally adjusted index, which represents the change in tonnage actually hauled by the fleets before any seasonal adjustment, equaled 110.6 in March, 8.9% above the February level (101.6). In calculating the index, 100 represents 2015. ATA’s For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index is dominated by contract freight as opposed to spot market freight.
Trucking serves as a barometer of the U.S. economy, representing 72.5% of tonnage carried by all modes of domestic freight transportation, including manufactured and retail goods. Trucks hauled 11.84 billion tons of freight in 2019. Motor carriers collected $791.7 billion, or 80.4% of total revenue earned by all transport modes.
ATA calculates the tonnage index based on surveys from its membership and has been doing so since the 1970s. This is a preliminary figure and subject to change in the final report issued around the 5th day of each month. The report includes month-to-month and year-over-year results, relevant economic comparisons, and key financial indicators.
ATA Statement on Biden Administration’s Infrastructure Plan
Arlington, VA… American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear issued the following statement regarding the Biden Administration’s proposed infrastructure plan:
“We commend President Biden for leading on infrastructure and putting forward his Administration’s vision to modernize and revitalize our nation’s aging transportation networks. The health of our economy, strength of our supply chain and safety of the motoring public require us to make big, bold investments in our nation’s roads and bridges, and this plan would steer much needed funding to critical projects along our National Highway System.
“We do not believe the Administration’s funding proposal is politically tenable nor a reliable long-term solution to the shortfall facing the Highway Trust Fund. We also disagree with certain provisions – especially those related to labor – that are counterproductive to economic growth and will only serve as political poison pills. However, the President’s broader plan is an important marker as Congress begins work on a surface transportation reauthorization bill. ATA recognizes this is the beginning of the legislative process, not the end.
“The trucking industry is committed to being a constructive partner throughout the legislative process and will continue to work with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle on a funding mechanism that is equitable, sustainable, user-based and can provide the foundation our economy needs over the long-term.”
ATA Launches ProMover Certification Program
Arlington, VA… The American Trucking Associations announced the launch of ProMover – a certification for moving companies. The program will provide a space for consumers to choose a certified professional and responsible moving company with confidence. The new program comes as ATA launches a new online resource center for consumers preparing to move.
“We are launching ProMover so consumers can be assured they are choosing a mover dedicated to safely and professionally handling their most prized possessions,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “ATA has made a commitment to the moving industry, and the ProMover program is a demonstration of that commitment – not just to moving companies, but to consumers.”
Carriers wishing to get ProMover certified, will commit to exceeding a number of ethical and professional standards, subject to annual review.
“For many people, moving is a very stressful time,” said ATA Moving and Storage Conference Chairman Marc Rogers, president and CEO of UniGroup. “Some of that stress can be relieved by selecting a company certified by ProMover, knowing they have picked a reputable, ethical and professional company to handle their move.”
In addition to ProMover, ATA is also launching, a one-stop shop for consumers looking for information selecting a mover, what to do if they’ve been subjected to fraud by a moving company and handy tips on how best to move.
“Spring and summer are among the busiest times to move,” Rogers said. “The new website, coupled with the new ProMover certification program, will help people make informed decisions about moving.”
To find advice and tips about how to choose a mover and other moving tips, visit
ATA Lauds Congressional Effort to Improve Availability of Truck Parking - Federal Legislation Would Address Significant Challenge for Drivers
Arlington, VA… The American Trucking Associations praised the introduction of bipartisan legislation addressing the trucking industry’s critical need for greater access to safe commercial parking.
The Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act, introduced by Representatives Mike Bost (R-Illinois), Angie Craig (D-Minnesota), John Garamendi (D-California), Susan Wild (D-Pennsylvania), Dusty Johnson (R-South Dakota) and Pete Stauber(R-Minnesota), would set aside $755 million from the Highway Trust Fund for states to finance projects aimed at increasing the number of parking spaces for commercial truck drivers.
“The severe shortage of safe parking presents truckers with an untenable dilemma: either keep driving when they are fatigued and possibly in violation of their federal hours-of-service requirement—or park in unsafe, sometimes illegal locations, such as a roadside shoulder,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear.
Currently, there are more than 11 truck drivers for every one parking space. Studies show that 98% of drivers report problems finding safe truck parking, and the average driver spends 56 minutes of available drive time every day looking for parking. That wasted time amounts to a $5,500 loss in annual compensation – or a 12% annual pay cut. Moreover, 58% of all drivers admit to parking in unauthorized or undesignated spots at least three times per week to meet their parking needs.
“The health and wellbeing of our drivers, the safety of the motoring public and the sustainability of our supply chain all depend on Congress addressing this issue with adequate funding in a surface transportation bill,” said Spear. “Fortunately, Representatives Bost, Craig, Garamendi, Wild, Johnson and Stauber have answered that call, and we thank them for their unwavering leadership on this critical issue."